Friday 13 November 2015

Personality idiomatic expressions (C2)

In English there are many colourful idioms connected with aspects of people's personality such as a couch potato (a lazy person who spends very long time on the sofa watching television).

Match the expressions with their explanations.

1. a new broom

2. a wet blanket

3. a stuffed shirt

4. a party pooper 

5. an armchair critic

6. a fair weather friend

7. a nosy parker

8. a rolling stone

A. someone who expresses opinions about things they know very little about

B. someone who doesn't like to stay in one place

C. a pompous, self-opinionated person

D. a gossip who wants to know everything that happens to other people

E. someone who stands by you only when things are going well

F. someone who spoils other people's enjoyment

G. a new person in charge who makes changes

H. a person whose low spirits or lack of enthusiasm have a depressing effect on others

1. G
2. H
3. C
4. F
5. A
6. E
7. D
8. B

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